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How we measure our impact

Check out my latest Editorial at Patterns, where I discuss the serious problems with citation metrics and how we instead think about the ’impact’ of our papers.

In November 2022, I gave a talk on open access and digital sequence information at a webinar organized by the Global Plant Council and the DSI Scientific Network.

About me

I am a professional scientific editor with more than twelve years experience across different journals and publishers. I currently work at Cell Press as the Editor-in-Chief of Patterns. Previously, I launched the data journal Scientific Data, and have worked at the Wiley titles Biotechnology Journal and Advanced Genetics, and at EMBO Press’s Molecular Systems Biology.

For part of 2021 and 2022, I worked at the Leibniz DSMZ as the scientific coordinator for the WiLDSI Project, which is seeking policy solutions for the sharing of non-human genetic data that preserve openness, promote research innovation and ensure fair, sustainable benefit-sharing for the countries of origin. I continue to be involved in this important issue as a volunteer member of the DSI Scientific Network.

I am committed to promoting open science. I believe that the outputs of academic research should be accessible to everyone, and that we ultimately aid society at large by building a more fair and transparent research culture.

I live in Würzburg with my wife and a pair of turtle-shaped tables.

Feel free to get in contact.

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